Friday, September 17, 2010

CAS Orientation

Today we went to "CAS Orientation", Ms. Ng basically told us about CAS and what not. So I decided, because we have to "reflect", that I would "reflect" via blog. It sounds more interesting and more fun, so here I am, writing this entry.

I really need to think of ideas for CAS hours, the earlier, the better. Aliyah and I were thinking about volunteering at Rachel's House. I was thinking, because I write, and then I post my stories online that it would be categorized as creative or creativity under the CAS, but seeing as I don't have an "advisor" to sign off, its out of the question. I was positive that it would of worked, seeing as I interact with my readers and other writers, also I interact with my beta's. And in the online writing community, basically a beta is like an editor that you send your finished chapters to them, and they look it over and give their feedback. But seeing as my beta lives in like Pennsylvania, I really can't get her to sign.

So I decided that I will blog when something related to IB comes up or after or before I volunteer somewhere. Until next time.


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